DARK RHYTHM is not available as an Amazon ebook!

Who am I?
I'm a teacher and novelist. The thriller Dark Rhythm was my debut novel. My second novel, Watching, is available as an eBook through these vendors, and as an ebook or print-on demand paperback on Amazon.
My journey to writing my first novel began with my early love of reading, but also my love of movies—which I never watched in an actual theater until I cut school in my teens to see The Exorcist. A fascination with film resulted from that first close-up exposure, and eventually combined with my affection for written fiction to push me towards creating several screenplays. A few years ago, the greater freedom novels offered to explore the interior of characters led me to begin writing the thriller Dark Rhythm.
Along the way, various environments contributed to my creation of the characters in that story. I worked in an engine plant and foundry for Ford Motor Company, supervised an armed security force for a grocery chain’s food commissary, obtained a masters degree and Ph.D. in literature, and have taught for over two decades at a major university. Those experiences have shown me life from a variety of angles, and fed my interests in stories and storytelling.
Couples and families are key characters in my work, often navigating through shared personal conflicts while striving against external perils. I hope you'll find those elements as compelling as I do.
Charles Taylor